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The Zone's Mixtape (2011 - 2023)

There's really no easy way to announce this...

After a 12-year run on our airwaves, I'm sad to report that this Friday (August 25, 2023) will be the last airing of The Zone's 5 O'Clock Mixtape. This show has existed since 2011. It started out exclusively online, eventually saw a home on-air on Friday afternoons and then (due to overwhelming listener demand), it became an every weekday thing. In fact, The Zone's Mixtape was the first ever prime-time alternative rock mix show in Canadian terrestrial radio.

That said, I must stress that from day one, The Mixtape hasn't ever been an official part of my job at The Zone. My regular 9-5 at the station is in the role of The Zone's Music Director/Assistant Program Director. Throwing down DJ sets live on the radio at the end of each day has always been an extra curricular task. And despite the extra work it added to my plate, I loved doing it. And with the encouragement and help of people like Bossman Johnny and my incredible team of Zone Air Staff, the extra work was manageable.

But to be fully transparent with you, elements within my role changed throughout the pandemic. I gained a few more responsibilities as we lost some personnel. And for the past few years, juggling my existing workload and the Mixtape went from being somewhat manageable to damn near impossible - with this constant feeling of treading water looming over me for the past several months. So with that, the decision has been made to bring the show to a close.

While it can be easy for me to get stuck in the dark well that is this heartbreaking development, I wanted to instead thank you so very much for the support and love you've shown this passion project of mine over the past decade and a bit. The Mixtape was a product of my love and enthusiasm for the artform of turntablism. It also helped me uniquely express my passion for all forms of music and I feel lucky that I got to produce it for as long as I did. I want to assure you that I don't ever plan to actually stop DJ'ing - you'll still be able to see me out and about spinning in public - and I intend to post more original mixes through my Mixcloud.

But obviously, I'm quite aware that the end of this show could very well impact your drive home routine and I am so very saddened and sorry to disappoint loyal listeners such as yourself. As we near the last few days of this show, please know that I am forever grateful for your support and appreciation of my work.

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Sep 26, 2023

Was bummed to find out about the mix tape ending, totally understandable though. Thanks, Bryan for all the great mixes!


Sep 17, 2023

The Mixtape was one of the main reasons I kept tuning in even after I had to move too far south to be in broadcast range. Sad to see it go, but between your mental health and the show, it's not even a question. Are there links to the previous mixtapes?


Aug 27, 2023

Thank you, when I finally found you I was in awe that my musical listening dreams could come true! Please post on Mixcloud, we need it;)


Aug 26, 2023

I found you on Mixcloud from the east coast of the US. I really enjoy your mixes and appreciate you sharing your eclectic taste of music with us.


Aug 23, 2023

Shiiiiiaaattt 😢

You’re a Groundbreaker, a foundation layer. You did amazing work and introduced a whole other massive audience to the Art of DJing and exemplified the incredible things a DJ can do with music of all genres when as skilled as you. Respect 🙏🏼 Thank you.

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